The Barn Double!
Big Air's Barn Double. Even though they filled in a good portion of the valley between it's still a lancher!
Geez, the 69 Bultaco Pursang
This is the only picture of it I can find. Leaning up against my dad's 67 Travelall. It fit in the back! This was my first true race bike. Shortly after getting it I paid a two month visit to Pacoima Luthern Hospital with a broken left femur. Damn motorcycles! <LOL>
The 73 CT1 Yamaha
I bought this little enduro for Lyn. Never broke off any turn signals! <LOL> Picture taken around 1975 in Newport Beach Calif. You can see the Pacific ocean in the background.
The 77 RM370
Indian Dunes in Valencia Calif. It's the Shadow Glen track. My personal favorite. Although the International track had the night lights. That was fun as well.
Trials And Tribulations
My first trials bike. A 1979 349 Montesa. Playing in the california rocks.
All by myself on the 79 RM400!
DeAnza Cycle Park, Riverside Calif. I took the first moto win going away. Yellowed picture courtesy of age. Circa 1980.
The demise of the 79 RM400!
Ouch! Deanza Cycle Park, Riverside Calif. Second moto. I took the inside line and the Yamaha rider took the outside line. We both ended up on the ground where the lines met trying to crawl out of the way of the pack that was right behind us. We went from 1st and 2nd place to a pair of DNF's. Circa 1980. Note: No riders were harmed or killed in the making of this mess. <g>
Put er in there!
On the 79 RM400. I did mention the rocks on the GP course right?
Sunset and Sideways!
There's just no way the newer taller bikes corner as good as the old low to the ground clunkers. My 79 RM400 near sunset on MX track #1 of my GP course. This track went right up the side of a steep hill landing on a fire road cut into the side of the mountain. You slam the wall against the hill, square it off and jump right off the edge of the fire road back down the hill. About a 25 foot drop before hitting any dirt. Another kicker about half way down launched you the rest of the way down the hill. You were in the air for 75% of the down hill. So cool!
Step It Up!
My last trials bike. A 1987 304 Montesa. This shot taken at the 1991 Chicago Industrial Trials. It was put on at an industrial complex minutes from Ohare Intl airport.