Typical Michigan woods track.
Lots of trees, sand, corners and jumps. The land owner has put a ton of dozer time in on this track.
There's plenty of trees and open area to park. One of the corners on the little mini track is visable behind my van.
I don't know what happened here. This is the view to the right of where I took the van shot. It's the starting of the track. A set of well worn whoops and the first double/triple.
Standing on top of the blurry jump
If you were jumping it the landing area is out about 1/2 way in the picture. The wide tabletop in view and turn one right after.
Side shot of the table ramp
The end of the table and turn #1
A good percentage of the corners have multi lines. The track has already changed from clay in the whoops to deep sand at this turn.
Side view of turn one
Exiting 1 and looking up to 2
Deep wallowy, HP robbing sand!
Side of 2
More nasty sand and a 180 degree turn
The view out of 2
Thick sand and a big double coming up
The double ramp
You gotta go to make this one. It's sand the whole way.
Side view of the double
It's quite a distance and you have to be on the gas hard cause of the sand.
The double landing and a view of 3
This is slightly down hill. Pretty deep braking bumps form in the soft sand.
Still heading to 3
Again, multi lines and deep sand.
Further into 3
It's almost 180 degrees
Exit 3
A sandy straight heading to 4.
The entrance to 4
More sand! And another 180 degree turn. A little regular dirt mixed in for this turn.
Exiting 4
A well worn double/triple in the view and 5 right after.
Closer to the jump
It's in need of work for sure. You can see the double through the worn part of the ramp. The triple is in the distance and I'd want a much larger front brake disc to attempt it. <g>
Standing on the ramp
A better view of the double and triple entering turn 5. Yep, another sandy 180.
Multi 5
Pick a line and go WFO!
Exit 5
Leaving 5 is a sand double and a view of 6, the last deep sand corner.
After the double 6 dead ahead
This is the final deep sand straight.
90 degree left
Deep sand lines make you fight for front end control. It's WFO or wallow like a moped.
Abrupt changes!
We're exiting 6. A packed double double is in the distance followed by a nice wide hard packed 90 degree berm. The track starts a transition here to a lot more clay.
The doudle doubles and entrance to 7
Easy double doubles and a nice hard packed tall berm.
You can see the difference in the ground. A lot more clay mixed in. Nice berm!
Exiting 7
Heading up to 8. The ground stays wet under the trees.
Entering 8
A step up turn into a nice low bermed turn.
Side view of 8
You can see the angle of the rise coming into 8 a lot better from this picture.
Exiting 8
Some deep medium packed whoops which progressively deepen. This starts the "back straight" section of the track.
Through the whoops
A grooved up jump in the distance. The ground is getting pretty hard beyond the jump.
Groovy Jump Baby!
Good practice for those paranoid of ruts. That would be me.
Standing on top of mount groovy
That glow in the distance is the sering sun reflection off of really hard dirt double jump. It's a super kicker. This one caused me to go another couple of clicks stiffer on the rebound.
Ramp city double
You could go to the moon with proper throttle application I think.
The tip of the ramp
The double landing in the disdance. It might as well be pavement after the landing.
Hardway hiway
Choppy cross ruts entering 9 probably made by 1848 gold rush wagons. <g> Yeah, it's dusty here.
Further approach to 9
Yep, another sharp 90 bermed turn.
You can see the dark cross spots where water sits in the braking whoops.
Exiting 9
A little kicker double/lake table top in the view.
Clay whoops and the kicker
The top of the jump has a table and water sits in the depression and makes funky mud.
Standing on mud table
You can see the hard dusty compound of the clay. Another jump in the distance turning slightly right in flight.
Heading towards 10
Still hard dirt but a blip of sand is coming up.
Clay inside and sand outside. The up hill to the left is hard packed.
Gas it and go.
Up the hill and slightly to the right WFO!
You're coming in hot. You have to decide go tight or go wide.... I like it wide. Major WFO berm. You come out flying!
Side of 11
Too cool!
Slot-car table
Line her up good. A table with multi step downs for those who like to go straight up and right back down at different levels.
Step city
Kinda hard to see but they are there. 12 is in the distance. Notice the nasty little rail on the top of the low berm. It's a hard one made of clay.
Yep, hard stuff but fun none the less.
Sweeping left 13
Bad number.... bad corner. We spent time here draining off water that sits. Whooped and sandy after the apex.
Out of 13 heading to an up-hill left turn double jump
OK, it's only a double if you're doing it.
Closer view of 14
It's got a nice rain groove in the center for good measure. <g>
The landing
Yeah right! You'd have to be flying and turning left to boot to make it over that edge and it would be a flat landing. I think not.
View of 15
A flat left 90 with a tiny berm.
Turn and jump
A quick left out of 15 and a step ramp jump. Kids would probably nail it and try to triple. Not me.
The big drop off table
This is a cool jump. Kinda like Killer at Big Air but not as long. It's fun to float over and down the other side.
The ramp of the table
The edge
You can see the drop off and the 16 u-turn berm wall. Way fun if you are leading. <g>
This is another cool turn. It's soft enough to leave to power on all the way through. Gives you that Ricky feeling all over.
Oh yeah!
This is, so far, my favorite jump. WFO left flying jump up double. Kewl!
There's the landing
I'm trying to practice nose low landings here. Damn I'm a chicken! <LOL>
Heading towards 17
Gas it hard and brake hard on hard ground.
Right berm and quick stepped short table.
The final step table
Almost done!
The end of the step table and back to the starting whoops
That was it! There are actually more turns if you count all the little vering right anf lefts out on the track. I only really counted them if they were at least 90 degrees. Pretty cool track huh? $5 to ride all day. :-)